Immune-mediated diseases: from pathogenesis to treatment at the heart of the care of autoimmune diseases (IMID)
Immune-mediated diseases are a group of diseases of great importance in the field of modern medicine, divided
into systemic or organ-specific autoimmune diseases. Many of these diseases share some clinical and immunological aspects and a variety of comorbidities, reflecting moreover the chance of different autoimmune diseases in the same predisposed patient. The possibility of working together as a group of University and Hospital structures that have large patient cohorts makes it possible to evaluate some aspects of comorbidity, determining a better diagnostic classification and a more correct therapeutic stratification. Furthermore, the most suitable attitude for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with immune-mediated diseases is the interdisciplinary approach, which consists of dialogue and discussion between the various specialists in order to ensure the most appropriate treatment for the individual patient.
The goal of the network is to plan and coordinate an organization system capable of offering effective clinicalassistance
pathways in the treatment of patients with immune-mediated diseases, investing at the same time in research projects that should have a concrete and transferable impact on patients’ quality of life.